
  • Number192


MAX: Number192 = ...
ONE: Number192 = ...
PRECISION: 15 = 15
ZERO: Number192 = ...


  • Convert this number to fit in a u64

    The precision of the number in the u64 is based on the exponent provided.


    • exponent: number

    Returns BN

  • Ceiling value of number, fit in a u64

    The precision of the number in the u64 is based on the exponent provided.

    The result is rounded up to the nearest one, based on the target precision.


    • exponent: number

    Returns BN

  • Convert this number to fit in a u64

    The precision of the number in the u64 is based on the exponent provided.

    The result is rounded to the nearest one, based on the target precision.


    • exponent: number

    Returns BN

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