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State utilities and structs for the Orderbook


Binary flags for the CallbackInfo
The CallbackInfo is information about an order that is stored in the Event Queue used to manage order metadata
todo: algebraic type parameter could provide compile time checks on use as market or user adapter
Parameters needed for order placement
Set of accounts that are commonly needed together whenever the orderbook is modified
Utility struct for iterating over a queue



The tick_size used in fp32 operations on the orderbook


Trait to retrieve the posted quote values from an OrderSummary


Calculated the length of the event queue buffer, given the maximum number of events
a is fp0, b is fp32 and result is a/b fp0
Multiply a u64 with a fixed point 32 number a is fp0, b is fp32 and result is a*b fp0
Find the len of the byteslab representing an orderbook side, given the maximum number of orders