
authorize an address to run orderbook consume_event instructions
Cancels an order on the book
Crank specific instruction, processes the event queue
Exchange underlying token for fixed term tickets WARNING: tickets must be staked for redeption of underlying
Create a new borrower account
Initializes a Market for a fixed term market
Initializes a new orderbook
Place a Lend order to the book by depositing tokens
Place a borrow order by leveraging margin account value
Place a Lend order to the book by depositing tokens
Redeem a staked ticket
Sell tickets that are already owned
Modify a Market account Authority use only
Pause matching of orders placed in the orderbook
Pop the given number of events off the adapter queue Event logic is left to the outside program
Redeems staked tickets for their underlying value
Refresh the associated margin account claims for a given MarginUser account
Register a new EventAdapter for syncing to the orderbook events
Repay debt on an TermLoan
Resume matching of orders placed in the orderbook NOTE: This instruction may have to be run several times to clear the existing matches. Check the orderbook_market_state.pause_matching variable to determine success
unauthorize an address to run orderbook consume_event instructions
Place an order to the book to sell tickets, which will burn them
Settle payments to a margin account
Stakes tickets for later redemption
Transfer staked tickets to a new owner